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How do I get the most out of the coffee with the brewing method I’m using?

We don’t have a specific recipe for each coffee we offer, but we do have a brew guide on our website which can provide you with a solid starting point for your coffee brewing journey.


What kind of water do you recommend?

Preferably water with 80-100ppm. Generally we prefer our coffee with a tds (refractive index) of 1.4-1.5. But feel free to adjust accordingly if you prefer higher or lower strength.

If you’d like to make your own water for the brewing we recommend you follow the Barista Hustle guidelines on making a buffer and Magnesium /Potassium (if you prefer) solutions.

We find that a ratio of 50g buffer 50g Mag/Pot solutions and 900g distilled water is best with our coffee.


How long should the coffee rest before it’s ready for use?

Because we use a Typhoon roaster, which is very different from a traditional gas powered drum roaster, opinions vary greatly. We recommend 2 to 3 weeks, but our experience shows that the coffee is already very enjoyable to drink the day after roasting. Ultimately, taste is subjective and heavily influenced by personal preference.


A coffee is out of stock, will it restock?

Some coffees that we don’t have in stock may not be restocked.  It largely depends on whether some of the coffees will be repurchased. We need to taste all the new samples from the most recent harvests to assess their quality and determine if they fit into our portfolio.


Can I place an order and then pick it up in person?

You can pick up your order at our roastery three business days after it’s placed. (Available in the Netherlands only.)