World class
  • Espresso
  • Filter

Aracelly Estribi

  • origin
  • panama

  • tastes like
  • jasmine

  • lime

  • mango sherbert

  • processing
  • washed

Aracelly Estribi is back, this year it's washed!

The team at FST has long been involved in the global high-end coffee market, but actually, their primary sale is of large-scale but high-quality traditional varieties; Catuai and Caturra. Their main lots are of exceptionally high quality, undoubtedly due in part to FST's astonishing terroir: rich volcanic soil, high altitudes, surrounding rainforests, and idyllic weather systems.

This Geisha is from FST's beautiful 'Estribi' plot, named after one of the hardest working multifaceted employees at FST, Aracelly Estribi. Aracelly does everything from office management to exports and plays a crucial role at the farm. As the farm expanded up to the higher reaches of Baru mountain it seemed only apt to name a plot after Aracelly, one that would come to produce some of their best coffee yet.

Expect lime, mango sherbert and jasmine on this one!

Available to roast for filter and espresso!

  • country
  • panama
  • farm
  • finca santa teresa
  • producer
  • finca santa teresa
  • region
  • santa clara
  • altitude
  • 1475masl
  • variety
  • Geisha

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