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Deiro Garcia

  • origin
  • colombia

  • tastes like
  • strawberry

  • orange

  • earl grey

  • processing
  • washed

We are so excited to release our fourth collaboration with Deiro Garcia!

Early in 2022, we offered Deiro's anaerobic washed Ethiopian landrace Sidra, and this time we are thrilled to bring you a stunning washed Wush Wush!

Deiro's farm, Finca Lord Voldemort is located in Pitalito, Huila, Colombia. If you could not tell based on the name of the farm, Diero is a huge Harry Potter fan!

Deiro has been working on coffee processing for more than three years now and has achieved some amazing results from his efforts. For this washed process, Deiro and his team begin by carefully selecting the ripe cherries which will then undergo an anaerobic fermentation for 40 hours at an average temperature of 16 degrees. The coffee then gets transferred to pulping tanks for 20 hours for oxidation where leachates from the cherries are added and then submerged at a temperature of 39 degrees for 12 hours to recirculate the leachates. To round off the fermentation, a thermal shock is performed- the coffee gets washed in hot water at a temperature of 65-70 degrees. It is then dried on canopies for roughly 18-24 days.

This extensive process leads to an amazing experience of flavors in the cup! You can expect notes of orange, strawberry, and earl grey. Enjoy this one!

  • country
  • colombia
  • farm
  • lord voldemort
  • producer
  • deiro garcia
  • region
  • pitalito
  • altitude
  • 1800masl
  • variety
  • wush wush

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