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Las Delicias

  • origin
  • nicaragua

  • tastes like
  • jasmine

  • mango

  • peach

  • processing
  • natural

We are so excited to close out the year with a Competition category release - a beautiful Nicaraguan natural Geisha!

Produced by Eleane Mierisch and the Fincas Mierisch team, this Geisha is something special. The seeds were first obtained from the legendary Don Pachi Estate in Panama. Geisha is a very difficult tree to grow, it is very susceptible to being knocked down by the wind, but also requires high altitudes to attain great cup profiles. For this reason, Las Delicias was selected as a great location due to the guava trees that provide shade and act as windbreakers.

This Geisha is processed as a full natural. This begins at the farm where ripe cherries and picked and floated before being transported to the dry mill at Don Esteban. The cherries are then placed on plastic tarps with a polymeric net and carefully moved 3 times a day. The net allows for better airflow between the ground and coffee, giving a more even dry. This Gesha dried on the tarps for the first four days under 100% sunlight to prevent over-fermentation or mold growth. After this, they are transferred onto the African beds where it dried with 75% shade for an additional 27 days until it reaches a humidity range of 12% or below. The total drying time for this lot was 31 days.

In the cup, you can expect notes of mango, peach, and jasmine all coming together for an exhilarating drinking experience!

  • country
  • nicaragua
  • farm
  • Las Delicias
  • producer
  • Fincas Mierisch
  • region
  • Jinotega
  • altitude
  • 1250-1450 masl
  • variety
  • geisha

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