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Pepe Jijón - Washed

  • origin
  • ecuador

  • tastes like
  • white flowers

  • sencha

  • baked lemon

  • processing
  • washed

More Pepe!!

As a bonus, we also were lucky enough to get our hands on the washed variation of the Sidra as well!

The cherry is first held in open air tanks before undergoing a dry ferment for an additional 24 hours in sealed bags before getting washed and dried on raised beds.

Baked lemon, sencha, and white flowers all over this one!

Its always an honor to share the amazing work being done by Pepe and his team along with the excellent terrior of Finca Soledad!

  • country
  • ecuador
  • farm
  • finca soledad
  • producer
  • pepe jijón
  • region
  • imbabura
  • altitude
  • 1515masl
  • variety
  • sidra

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