  • Espresso
  • Filter

Ze Claudio

  • origin
  • brazil

  • tastes like
  • hibiscus

  • milk chocolate

  • rhubarb pie

  • processing
  • anaerobic natural

Another year with a coffee from Jose Claudio!

José has an interesting story: He left home at 18 years old with a plan to move to Sao Paulo and then eventually Portugal. The plan was to work and save enough money so that he could return to his hometown of Inpahim and start a farm of his own. Jose made this a reality in the late 2000’s when he came back to Brazil and bought his first 3-hectare farm. At first, he was only interested in growing vegetables. At that time, coffee was not widely grown and due to the region's very low altitude, was generally dismissed. It was around this time that José met Inacio Soares at a farming summit. They discussed the potential for invigorating the production of coffee farming and what it would take to excel in Brazilian coffee and have been working closely ever since.

José's coffee is a gem of the São Sebastião do Anta region and this coffee has continued to impress us on the cupping table year after year.

Expect notes of rhubarb pie, hibiscus and milk chocolate with a round mouthfeel!

  • country
  • brazil
  • farm
  • sítio tia dodó
  • producer
  • josé cláudio
  • region
  • mata de minas
  • são sebastião do anta
  • altitude
  • 750masl
  • variety
  • catuai 144

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